The Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission has published the report: 

SELFIE Work Based Learning scoping study: a potential role in linking companies and regional innovation with VET schools 

The report discusses the role of SELFIE WBL in connecting business and regional innovation with VET schools. It highlights the need for a self-reflection tool to improve these connections and fill the existing gap in the market. The report emphasizes the importance of understanding innovation, skills, and VET’s role in supporting innovation. It suggests developing a normative model of VET’s role in innovation to provide a basis for the tool’s parameters. The report also addresses the need to bridge the gap between schools and companies, expand the potential user base, and balance top-down and bottom-up interests. Furthermore, it outlines an action plan indicating the next steps for further research, stakeholder mapping, and engagement, as well as developing a normative model and conducting experimental innovative projects. These steps would provide a solid foundation for the future development and implementation of SELFIE WBL for innovation in the VET sector. 

The report from JRC can be downloaded here:  

DITRAVET initial strategy was based on using SELFIE for analyzing 10 independent schools from 6 different countries. The consortium managed to gather 1154 individual responses which were analyzed. SELFIE results were important to define our DITRAVET curricula for school leaders, teaches and families. The results of those activities can be found here:  

Summary report: